Hear ye, hear ye, pray attend!

Let it be known that this, The Company of the Swan, is a tournament company of the Kingdom of Drachenwald.

All gentles of this noble company pay homage first and foremost to Their Majesties of Drachenwald, but second of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), known in the east, known in the north, known in the south and even in the newly discovered world.

These gentles have agreed to hold more colorful, more inventive and more historically accurate tournaments in this realm for that all may partake and enjoy the sights.

All of these friends hail from the 14th and 15th century, but all who may visit us, be they from centuries ago or somewhat ahead of us are welcome to match their skill for honor and glory.
Only one request is laid before the visitor - honor us and yourself by appearing at our tournaments as the nobleman you must undoutably be, for your renown preceeds you.

So say we,
the Company of the Swan