In worthy times past, great men gathered together to further the cause of chivalry and right. May all now know that we find this a worthy custom and grand and thus do dedicate ourselves to this purpose.

Thus do we here declare the Company of the Swan, a confraternity of arms dedicated to further the cause of chivalry in all ways, most especially by example. We do further declare that the joy of combat springs not from victory, nor yet from pride. It is found only in honour. Thus do we here set
forth these facets and swear to strive always to maintain them.

Item: That the company and all its companions shall present themselves in public and in private, in all ways as befits gentle folk. That they shall forget not their speech, their manner, their appearance, and ,most especially, their acts, remembering always that they represent the chivalry
that they are sworn to uphold.

Item: That all companions shall equip themselves as suits gentle folk of arms and never let their arms, harness or raiment fall into disrepute. Rather that they shall shine forth in worthiness of the equipage of our forebears.

Item: That all companions shall exercise themselves to arms and endeavor to bring skill and grace to the field of honourable combat, that the lists may be further enriched.

Item: That the Company and all companions as may shall further the cause of chivalric combat whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself. That all members of the company shall endeavor to enrich the field and test themselves in the crucible of honour at any such Tournament that they may. That the Company shall hold the field in a Passage of Arms against all who may challenge at the least once per annum. That this Pas de Arms should be decided and planned well in advance that many worthy challengers may by found and that any members who live far from the decided field may attempt to arrange to join their companions.

Item: That the company and all its companions shall honour servers and artisans and strive to further the arts of the past, through patronage and through practice.

Item: That the Company shall accept into its ranks those who share its goals and who the Company feels are suited to carrying forth the banner. That the Company shall teach these sergeants and shall welcome them as companions when they have learned those things as befits a gentleman of arms.

Item: That all may know the Companions of the Order of the Swan, each shall carry a red favour bearing a white swan, wings elevated, and the motto "Alea Honouris Solutae". That each sergeant shall carry a similar favour, saving the motto.

These we swear with all our hearts this feast day of St. Colman, in the manor of Fordcombe. May St. Colman, whose day this is, and St. Hugh, whose sign is the Swan, look over us in this endeavor.